Or does it?
Jan 1st is all about resolutions:
Signing up to the gym.
Healthier eating
Saving money to buy my new house.
The start of my new business venture.
Exciting ways to ensure that I have a productive and good year ahead.
A quick Google search to remind myself what the Jewish new year is all about:
‘Creation of the world’
‘Day of judgement’
‘G-d deciding our destiny’
these are the phrases that pop up in my browser.
Who will live,
Who will die.
Who will be poor,
Who will be wealthy…
So vulnerable.
G-d is completely in control.
He decides our fate.
How different from the secular new year.
I took a look at my resolutions from Jan 22
I smiled.
Maybe one resolution had been completed. Maybe one dream had come true.
Its funny how we think we know what we need or want.
You may ask
What then have I been doing since Jan 22?
What dreams have come true?
So much!
So much more than I would have hoped.
So much more than I had written in my diary.
Different, but more!
Things went in ways I would have never dreamed.
It may seem overwhelming that G-d is deciding our fate on this day.
But I realise, G-d is unlimited.
G-d knows what we need.
We think we do.
But let's stop limiting our lives to our 8 new resolutions
and let's open our arms and hearts
to accept what G-d has in store for us.
Because it's so much better than what we would ever imagine.
As we enter the new year, I want to wish all my Jewish family, friends and colleagues a year full of unlimited revealed goodness. May G-d shower us with all the blessings we didn’t even know we needed and may our world only know of unlimited joy and festivities.
Shana tova